Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lesson 2 - Down and Up

Up and down...down and up...up and down again.....

I believe almost every parent went through this stage with their little one.  When they are so full of energy and you try to sit back and take a break, it is, sometimes, frustrating.

Every kid is different.  I learned this after teaching almost 100 students within 10 years ranging from 5 - over 50.  Yep, I had students over 50 years old and wanted to learn how to play piano, keyboard or electronic organ.  Of course, teaching my 4-year-old is a total different story.

Don't know about your kid.  Mine loves to learn new things.  As soon as he sees the activity sheets, he puts down his favorite toys on hand and comes running.

There is a saying, "Writing Chinese helps calm oneself down."  If this is true, print this out and get your kid(s) start writing Chinese.

Here is the lesson 2 activity sheet:

If you can't open the file, click here to download the (FREE software) Adobe Reader:

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